Why is design an important part of revitalizing communities?
Good design asks a community to be a part of shaping something. It engages people around a common cause and gets us all to talk to each other. We hear ideas that may cause us to think bigger, to reconsider something or to think differently. It feels limitless and exciting. It's a limitless, exciting, community activity that allows us to open up, share and listen to other people.
What has been most surprising, rewarding, or fun about your Collaborative experience?
I'm thankful to have been introduced to a wonderful client - one that is misison-driven and looking to fill needs in their community. It's been wonderful to form relationships with design professionals that I haven't had the opportunity to work with before, and who improve Philly by caring. By giving their time.
What do you love most about Philadelphia?
Lately, Philly's extensive park & trail system.
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