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Arts and Culture

The Print Center

Located in Center City Philadelphia since 1915, the Print Center came to the Collaborative for assistance with the renovation of its existing facility. The study will help the organization, located on Latimer Street, consider strategies for how to maximize its space. Options included reconstructing the building behind the historic façade while preserving its garden and garden wall.

Volunteer Design Team

Alisa McCann


"The most rewarding aspect of volunteering with the Collaborative is how much I learn about all different aspects of design - from playgrounds to plumbing! It's all so interesting."


Brett Webber

Architect, Registered
Brett Webber Architects PC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Chris Custren

Brett Webber Architects PC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

David Schweim

Architect, Intern
Brett Webber Architects PC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Emily Finigan

Interior Designer
Brett Webber Architects PC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Eric Larsen

Structural Engineer
Larsen & Landis
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Jamie Reeves

Cost Estimator
E. Allen Reeves, Inc.
Abington, Pennsylvania

Joshua Otto

Architect, Intern
Brett Webber Architects PC
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Michael Bennett

Cost Estimator
E. Allen Reeves, Inc.
Abington, Pennsylvania

Robert Reeves

Cost Estimator
E. Allen Reeves, Inc.
Abington, Pennsylvania
Reflects volunteers' profession and firm at time of Design Grant
Project Title
Master Plan for Renovation
1614 Latimer Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-6308
Center City Philadelphia
Volunteer Hours
Value of Pro Bono Services
Design Grant Completed
October 01, 2007


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