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Lea School Setting for Green Ribbon School District Award

The School District of Philadelphia chose Lea as the site to celebrate its Green Ribbon School District Sustainability Award in May 2017.

The School District of Philadelphia was honored with a Green Ribbon School District Sustainability Award by the U.S. Department of Education. The district is one of only nine districts across the country to be recognized with the award in 2017. School playgrounds that have been redesigned to incorporate green space and gardens helped Philadelphia win the honor.

The district hosted a press conference and celebration at Henry C. Lea School in West Philadelphia—an exemplary green schoolyard that got its start with a 2012 design charrette hosted by the Collaborative. The conceptual design was a catalyst for wider community support and major funding, including a Stormwater Management Improvement Program grant from Philadelphia Water. SALT Design Studio completed the schoolyard's final design and construction managment. At the press conference, Superintendent Dr. William Hite said that Lea Elementary was a prime example of the work the school district is doing.

The Collaborative has provided community engagement and conceptual designs to support green schoolyards at sixteen Philadelphia public schools that are now in progress or complete. Four more conceptual designs are in the works. 

Field Notes highlights the successes of our nonprofit partners and documents the ongoing impact of the Collaborative's Design Grants. Learn more about the preliminary design services and volunteer expertise contributed through this Design Grant here



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