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Play It Up

Waterflow shapes play at Waterloo Recreation Center | Studio Ludo and Roofmeadow

Check out Daniel Jost's column in the July 2016 issue Landscape Architecture Magazine, where he writes about our yearlong campaign to promote the value of recreation in Philadelphia.

"Today, young children spend much of their time in schools and child-care centers, but these places rarely offer rich outdoor environments for unstructured play," he writes. "That’s a problem, says Sharon Easterling, the executive director of the Delaware Valley Association for the Education of Young Children. Such play is not just a leisure activity. It’s how children learn... 

Along with asking the Collaborative and DVAEYC to explain why play matters so much, he asked the landscape architects from the winning competition teams—Viridian Landscape Studio, Atkin Olshin Schade Architects, Meliora Environmental Design, Ground Reconsidered Landscape Architeture, Studio Ludo, and Roofmeadow—about the inspirations behind their designs. 

Read the column!



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