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Collaborative Receives GSK IMPACT Award

  • Board members Paul Sehnert, Alice Berman, and Daryn Edwards join Beth Miller at the GSK IMPACT Award ceremony.

The Community Design Collaborative was honored to accept a GSK IMPACT Award on December 2 from GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). We’re one of nine local nonprofits who earned $40,000 each in recognition of their exceptional achievements in contributing to a healthier Philadelphia.

"Place matters," said Joe Touey, a senior vice president of GSK as he kicked off the awards ceremony.  "There’s a connection between your health and the community you live in."

GSK recognized the winners of the 2014 GSK IMPACT Awards for the Greater Philadelphia region during a ceremony at GSK’s facility at The Philadelphia Navy Yard. Beth Miller, executive director of the Collaborative, says, "The award recognizes the impact of the Collaborative's design grants. We're proud of our volunteer design professionals and their contributions to a more active, green, and healthy city."

Along with the pleasure of receiving the award, we got to meet the other Philadelphia-based nonprofit recipients and talk about our unique and interlocking roles. Along with the Collaborative, 2014 GSK IMPACT Award winners included After School Activities Partnerships, The Center for Grieving Children, Gearing Up - A Nonprofit Corporation, Graduate Network, Inc., the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, Philadelphia Youth Network, Inc., University City District, and Philadelphia Youth for Change.

Follow our design grants from idea to review to report to results through the photoss by GSK's Alan Nilsen!
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A Healthier Philadelphia “Today’s winners show us what it means and what it takes to build a healthier greater Philadelphia area,” said Katie Loovis, Director, US Community Partnerships and Stakeholder Engagement, GSK.

Much of what influences our health happens outside the doctor’s office – in our communities. Community factors such as access to healthy foods and recreational spaces, and the support of families and social networks undeniably contribute to our health. The GSK IMPACT Awards recognize nonprofit organizations with sustainable programs that address these critical community factors.

In Philadelphia, the GSK IMPACT Awards are presented in partnership with United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. “Partnering with GSK to improve lives is what United Way’s work as a convener of the nonprofit and corporate communities is all about, because we know we’re stronger together,” said Anthony J. Conti, interim president and CEO, United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey. “We congratulate the nine winning nonprofits on this well-deserved accomplishment and look forward to the impact they will create to build healthier communities.”



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