The Community Design Collaborative has been chosen as a candidate for Azavea’s 2014 Summer of Maps!
Summer of Maps is a three-month long fellowship that gives student GIS analysts the opportunity to perform geospatial data analysis for local and national nonprofit organizations.
16 nonprofits—including groups from Philadelphia, Austin, Los Angeles, and Cape Cod—were chosen by Azavea as candidates for the Summer of Maps. The ultimate participants will be determined by interest and matches among the students who apply for fellowships.
The Collaborative’s Summer of Maps project analyzes schoolyards and other open space in Philly’s neighborhoods, including parks and playgrounds. Our goal is to identify gaps in neighborhood green space. This spatial analysis will help us find places and partners for pro bono design services to create child-friendly, green open space—an essential part of a vital neighborhood.
Want to work with the Collaborative during the Summer of Maps? Apply for a fellowship now through March 16, 2014. Applicants choose three of the mapping 16 projects proposed by nonprofits. Each fellow will work on two projects, with a home base at Azavea and lots of support and mentoring.