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Collaborative Clients in the News

  • Illustration for a proposed "sharrow" in South Philly, a street to be shared equally by cars and bikes.

As 2012 gathers steam, so does the pace of community engagement and development. Several of the Collaborative's clients and projects figured in neighborhood news over the past week.

The Bicycle Coalition of Philadelphia presented the Collaborative design concepts to improve bike safety in Philadelphia’s neighborhoods to the public, “bravely choosing South Philly” as its first focus. Philebrity: Bicycle Coalition to take South Philly street redesign public this week

Two Collaborative clients—Meredith Elementary School and Nebinger Elementary School—are working to green up public elementary schoolyards in Queen Village. Naked Philly: Schoolyards being dolled up in Queen Village

Cedar Park Neighbors voiced support of renovation plans for the Apple Storage warehouse on 52nd Street, taking its cue from a conceptual master plan for the 4900 to 5100 blocks of Baltimore Avenue by the Collaborative last year. University City Review: Community response to Apple Storage make-over

Kelly School and Germantown's Hansberry Garden and Nature Center will be working with the Collaborative to design a sustainable playground and yard space around the school, which will improve safety and health. WHYY: Germantown community gardeners plan to beautify grammar school

The review board of the Department of Licenses and Inspection supported the preservation of the Church of the Assumption this week. The Collaborative completed a feasibility study for Sioam, the nonprofit owner of the church complex, in 2007. Plan Philly: L&I review board releases findings in support of Church of the Assumption’s preservation



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