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New Service Grants Awarded

  • A conceptual masterplan for revitalizing Seger Park.

The Collaborative has started work on its next round of service grants awarded to Friends of Seger Park Playground, Libertae, Mariposa Food Co-op/A Little Taste of Everything and Philadelphia Rooftop Farm(PROOF)/New Society Educational Foundation.  Our nonprofit clients have a range of design needs and serve their communities in diverse ways, from providing social services to supplying nutritious food.

Collaborative volunteers will assist the Friends of Seger Park Playground, a neighborhood organization dedicated to renovating Seger Park in Center City, in developing a Request for Proposals (RFP) to further develop their master plan for revitalizing the Park, created by a Collaborative volunteer team earlier this year.

Libertae provides residential treatment to women struggling with substance abuse and seeks to empower women through comprehensive rehabilitation programs.   Libertae requested assistance from the Collaborative to develop a conceptual design for expanding itsfacilities and improving the building’s sustainability.

Mariposa Food Co-op has been supplying co-op members in West Philadelphia with healthy and sustainable food for over 20 years, but itscurrent building is cramped and prevents serving more members.  Collaborative volunteers will work with Mariposa to develop a conceptual plan for a larger coop at a new Baltimore Avenue site nearby.

The final service grant is going to PROOF to develop design prototypes of rooftop gardens that could be used on Philadelphia’s numerous flat roofs, increasing access to healthy local food in urban neighborhoods.

Thanks to all the volunteers who are making these projects possible.


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